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Home Visits and prices Services of Guides

Services of Guides

Service of guides :

In order to really understand the project through your visit you need a guide that knows it well, for this we recommend you to contact us at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

This site is a private place, and the visits are not opened to everyone and require approval from the Inka Llacta Team.

You must confirm your dates and schedules to the team.

Entries :

simple entry : 30 soles each

Children from 4  to 12 años     : 20 soles each

Food : box lunch               = 20 soles  
                 hot food    = 50 soles 

10 tickets       = 250 soles 

The bookings must be prepaid

The prices do not include the transport and the tip for the guide.